- Open a command line terminal
- Windows: Start "Command Prompt"
- Linux: Open any terminal application
- MacOS: Open the "Terminal" application
- Type: "java -version"
- You will either get an error message indicating Java is not installed or at least not configured for your environment or a summary from Java including the version number. Make sure it fullfilles the requirements in the installation section.
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Hits: 118- Open a command line terminal
- Open a command line terminal
- Windows: Start "Command Prompt"
- Linux: Open any terminal application
- MacOS: Open the "Terminal" application
- Type: "java -d32" and after hitting return type "java -d64"
- One of the two commands will return an error message the other one the Java usage options. The one of the Java usage option is the version (32/64) that is installed. Keep in mind that we recommend using 64bit Java if your computer and operation system supports this.
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Hits: 119- Open a command line terminal
This problem can happen on newer macOS versions. The reason is the increase security policy that puts all downloaded programs into quarantine.
- Open a command line terminal (e.g. click on the magnifying glass in the top right corner of the screen to open the Sportlight Search and type "terminal".
- Change to the directory which contains the downloaded GRITS Toolbox folder (e.g. /Users/xyz/Downloads/GRITS-Toolbox-1.3.0). Please note: Inside the GRITS folder (e.g. GRITS-Toolbox-1.3.0) should be a folder MacOS with the executable start program named GRITS.
cd /Users/xyz/Downloads
- Type the following command:
xattr GRITS-Toolbox-1.3.0/MacOS/GRITS
- You should see an attribute "com.apple.quarantine"
- Now we will remove the quarantine flag for all files and folders of the download:
sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine GRITS-Toolbox-1.3.0/
- You will need the admin password for this. After this you should be able to start the GRITS executable in the MacOS folder.
Please note: Make sure to perform the command on the entire folder for GRITS Toolbox not just on the executable or the MacOS folder. Otherwise the program will still not start or might crash.
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